It Was an Absolute Treat to Make Gonzo’s Candies

There is nothing we love more than building a new site with killer pictures! And when food is involved, that is always a good time! Gonzo’s Candies was a total treat (pun intended) to make!Bart Gonzales needed a site to sell his yummy sweets and savories. All of his organic treats photographed beautifully, and Bart’s needs were so simple. He just wanted to be able to sell his products online.

8 years ago
Tags: organicsquarehookgonzos candymobile websitecandyorder candy onlinebrittlebuy localtwitter bootstrapCMSgourmet treatsecommerce
We Answered the SOS for Machinery Consultants

Machinery Consultants came to us in a panic.   Their site was seriously malfunctioning, and needed help rebuilding it-FAST!  Long story short, we swooped in to assist.   We knocked out a pretty sweet site for them that they can edit at their leisure.

9 years ago
Tags: machineryconsultantssquarehookCMSMobile websiteeCommerceshowcase your productsTwitter Bootstrapbuild your own websiteedit your own website
DCWV’s Beautiful Products Deserve a Beautiful Site!

We have been so ecstatic to brag about one of our recent site launches.   DCWV wanted to do a complete website overhaul with the launch of their new products they’re promoting at JoAnn Fabric & Craft Store.   They saw some of our other killer client work and we were fortunate enough to revamp their website.

9 years ago
Tags: squarehookdcwvdie cuts with a viewjoann craftDIYmobile websiteecommercepaperstacksscrapbookingpaper craftstwitter bootstrap
We're Taking a Look Back at SquareHook Over 2014

2014 has been our best year yet, here at SquareHook!  As we have grown and expanded, so has our reputation and product offering. We have been working away, you may say comparable to Santa’s Workshop elves.   We have been GOING!  We have added tons of incredible features to the tool this year.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookseoeCommerceIntranet2014 in reviewBest CMS out thereCMSmobile websitetwitter bootstrapresponsive design
We're Thankful for eCommerce! Help Support Small Businesses This Shopping Season!

We’re proud of our eCommerce, and the clients who use it! On Saturday, November 29th, shop small businesses, to keep local businesses going! We pride ourselves on our amazing eCommerce feature on the SquareHook tool. It allows people to sell their products and services easily.   Buyers can even purchase and checkout directly on their smartphone! With the biggest shopping time upon us, be sure to patron your neighboring businesses to keep them going.

10 years ago
Tags: eCommercePa's Candy Co.candy companybuy localcyber mondayChristmas shoppingCorda Rope SandalsHoodie LoveAudio Grenadevibration speakersBOOM energy powderSquareHookSmall Busness Saturday
Corda Rope Sandals Built Their eCommerce Site With SquareHook

Our eCommerce functionality is just awesome!  We are super fans of how easy it is to set up your store and build out your site.   One of our latest clients-Corda Rope Sandals was looking to switch over from their Shopify store.   With the booming success of Hoodie Love’s simple/gorgeous/clean theme, we took inspiration to help owner Dustin build out his website.

10 years ago
Tags: cordaventuresquarehookbuild your siteCMSbuild an online storeeCommercemobile eCommerce
Our Newest Template Gotham Is Ultra Versatile

We are absolutely in love with our theme Love.   We knew the possibilities were endless when we came up with this theme, and our developers saw an opportunity to give people a very exciting, yet simple, dark theme…. enter Gotham.

10 years ago
Tags: CMSbuild your websitesquarehookWebsite BuildereCommercemobile friendlyresponsive designTwitter Bootstrap
BOOM!  They Have an eCommerce Website

Jason, from Boom! Power Rush came to us with a request-build an eCommerce website for sell 1 product-Boom Power Rush powder, but in 5 different flavors.   We knew our LOVE Theme was great-simple, featured a sharp looking store, and super clean. It was easy to put in their logo and coloring to fit their product offering!  BOOM! really wanted to get to the point, so there wasn’t too much content put in, other than a little bit about the product itself.

10 years ago
Tags: powerboomprotein powdersquarehookonline storeecommerceBody EvolutionBoom!real people real results
Building eCommerce On Your Site is Easy As Pie

Who doesn’t love a well made dessert?  The only thing we can think of that could beat something deliciously tasty, is building a store that is easy as pie, itself. Our eCommerce tool is super easy and basic for anyone looking to build an online store. Just adjust your STORE SETTINGS, and you can add products, setup billing, process payments, offer coupon discounts for promotional deals, and much more! Easily add products to your store, by selecting the +Add Product button.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookbuild your websiteeCommercebuild an online storeCMSmobile website
Hoodie Love: a New eCommerce Website On the SquareHook Platform

We just love this client’s website!  Hoodie Love was created by JannMarie because 1) she’s an amazing seamstress/designer 2) she wanted people to be comfy and be fashionable in their clothes.    Insert SquareHook’s latest product offering: SquareHook eCommerce, and you have a recipe for an incredible website for everyone! Her style and design was easy to showcase with a very clean layout, that truly promoted her clothes in the best possible way!  On her homepage alone, you are able to view her look-book, locate her social media, sale items, link right to the store, and view her Indiegogo video. Phewf!  That’s a lot, and yet it doesn’t look overwhelming in any way.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookhoodie loveeCommerceonline storemobile storebuild your own online storestart selling your products onlineindiegogo
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