The Gallivan Center Can Edit Their Site Like a Dream

We were stoked to jump at the chance to redesign the Gallivan Center.   We have been to tons of events there, and were so tickled at the chance to make their site more mobile friendly and really showcase what they offer!We involved one of our talented graphic designers to work with the Gallivan Center to created a really engaging site with that WOW factor! Take a look, yowza!We have been building out a way rad feature that Gallivan Center took advantage of. They can easily add events to their Calendar at any time.

8 years ago
Tags: gallivancenterUtah eventssquarehookCMSmobile siteedit your siteTwitter Bootstraplocal site
Flesh Out Your Site to Showcase What You Can Do!

When we spoke with Outlaw Demolition about their new site, they said they wanted their site to be more impactful. Their previous site was only 3 pages, and while it had some nice pictures, there wasn’t a strong call to action for getting site visitors to reach out to them. We suggested to put a form on the home page, right below a gorgeous scrolling banner.

8 years ago
Tags: outlaw demodemolition sitesquarehookyour website made easymobile siteTwitter Bootstrapedit your sitecall to actiondemolition
Starting Out Small With a Landing Page

We know businesses that have been around for decades without having a website. But to really thrive in this business world, these days, you need to have some sort of online presence. Starting small with social media (Facebook, Google Plus, etc) is a great, free option.

8 years ago
Tags: squarehookyourwebsitemadeeasysmallbusinessmobilewebsiteedityoursiteCMSTwitterBootstrapexcavationHardline Excavationform builderlanding pageweb presence
Doggy Day Care Businesses Need Website Updates Too

We were so excited to help out Coombs Kennels when they contacted us. Their old WordPress site was regularly being compromised, and they couldn’t edit their site whenever their business changed. We involved our graphic designer, Ai to help create a fun, inviting look for the newly renovated Pet Care facility.

8 years ago
Tags: squarehookcoombs kennelssmall business ownersdog sittingCMSContent Management SystemMobile websitemanage your websiteanimal sitterspet daycare
Let Us Give Your Site a Nip & Tuck!

We are advocates for change–change in color, font, and often times, design. We like anybody, understands to stay competitive, you have to be a forward thinker.   Especially with technology changing and evolving so quickly.

8 years ago
Tags: squarehookCMSmobile websitedealer websitesport courttransform your courtdesign your courtedit your websiteyour website made easyathletic flooringsport flooringbackyard courtssport court west
Get Your Site Back, After Being Hacked!

When your site gets compromised, it is can be a serious labor to get it back up. If you have received “This Site May Be Hacked” message from Google in your Webmaster Tools, or your website displays the same in Google search recently, you need to diligently get that removed. Why is it happening? Google may believe your site has been compromised recently, and is taking extra steps to protect you and your site visitors.

8 years ago
Tags: googlesquarehookyour site may be hackedSEOsave your siteprotect your websitetips of the trade
Helping Out Small Businesses, One Site at a Time

When we hear that clients can’t edit their site because they have parted ways with previous developers, it breaks our hearts. When clients move on from said ‘cranky developers’ and the site becomes static, it is just a matter of time before we get a call. Holistic Elements was in a serious bind, with not only a static site they couldn’t edit, but the site wasn’t mobile friendly, and their hours and staff had changed a bit.

8 years ago
Tags: holistic elementssquarehookmobile websitetwitter boostrapsmall business
Incredible Visuals Make for a Stunning Site

Our great friends over at Impatient Cow are completely dominating the visual world. They specialize in animation, 3D Technology, video, illustration and more for your company’s needs. They are so amazing, they are specializing into different fields.

8 years ago
Tags: Vizidyne Medical3D TechnologyMobile WebsiteCMSedit your websitesqaurehookImpatient Cowanimationhealthcarevisual toolsmedical videosmedical artmedical illustration
We Cloned a Site, and Customized it to Fit the Client’s Needs!

We are so flattered when we have a repeat customer. It tells us that they are really happy with their site/our services, so they want to come back for more! And to those clients that keep coming back, we say Thank You! The owners of Life Bridge Kids came to us to build a site similar to their child psychiatric practice website, but this time have the new site catered to adults. Life Bridge told us that the SquareHook Editor was SUPER easy for them to edit and they wanted a site that looked just like their existing one, with some new information and customized graphics.

8 years ago
Tags: life bridge kidssquarehookLife Bridge Nevadarepeat customersCMSMobile websiteTwitter Bootstrapedit your own sitesmall business sitescustom sitesgraphic designcontent management systemsite duplication
A New, Custom Site for a Thriller Novel

We love exciting new projects…. especially if it is outside our normal realm of work. When the author of She Bites came to us, he told us a bit about the plot line, and what he and his co-author wanted.

8 years ago
Tags: shebitesthenovelsquarehookdog loversNovel websiteCMSTwitter Bootstrapanimal rightsMobile websitemanager your site
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