We Are Not Wonder Woman, but We Can Save the Day For Clients

Monticello City contacted us a few weeks back, in a serious pickle. Their previous site went down suddenly, and couldn’t be brought back up. They asked that we get something back up immediately.

7 years ago
Tags: squarehookyourwebsitemadeeasymobile websitebusiness siteTwitter Bootstrapbuild your own websiteCMSgovernment site
We Answered the SOS for Machinery Consultants

Machinery Consultants came to us in a panic.   Their site was seriously malfunctioning, and needed help rebuilding it-FAST!  Long story short, we swooped in to assist.   We knocked out a pretty sweet site for them that they can edit at their leisure.

9 years ago
Tags: machineryconsultantssquarehookCMSMobile websiteeCommerceshowcase your productsTwitter Bootstrapbuild your own websiteedit your own website
YardBird Restaurant’s Website Is Absolutely Mouth-watering!

Working on food websites is always such a treat for us-literally.   We get to stare at food all day.   What’s better than that?!?  And working on YardBird was no different, except for the fact that the site made us really bummed-in that we couldn’t be stuffing our faces with their food at that very moment.

9 years ago
Tags: squarehookUtah restaurantstartupmobile websitelocal foodfoodpornCMScustomized websitedo it yourselfbuild your own websiteyardbirdslcdinnertimedrag and drop
Check Out California SportScapes’ New Website

Our great friends over at Sport Court LA began working with a super talented landscape architect to offer even more fantastic services to showcase their Sport Court…. so they OBVIOUSLY needed a website that let people know of their availability for their clients. California SportScapes wanted something put together immediately-especially with summer just around the corner!  They wanted clean, and easy to navigate….

9 years ago
Tags: SquareHooklandscape architectSport Court LACalifornia SportScapescustom backyardCMSTwitter BootstrapBuild Your Own Websitemobile website
We Just Finished a Simply Delectable Website!

We aren’t quite sure what we love more, The Fix’s yummy mixed drinks or their new website! The thought of either one make us smile thinking about it.   We were thrilled to help out this new exploding business!They have a really basic business–selling drinks, cookies, both together, or selling in large quantities.   Not too difficult…The hard part with The Fix is choosing which fixed drink to pick with all of those delightful options on their menu.

9 years ago
Tags: SquareHookthefixutahCMSTwitter BootstrapBuild Your Own Websitemobile websitehomemade cookiesfixed drinks
Start Off the New Year With a New Website!!

One of our latest clients took advantage of our promotional website before it ended, and they had a site liked and wanted to mirror. She put all her trust in us to make this site happen.   After checking out what Jodie wanted to emulate, we knew right away that the LOVE THEME would be the perfect contender.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookCMSmobile websitepromotional websiteJodie Jorgensenhair stylistSLC hair stylisttwitter bootstrapentrepreneurdo it yourselfbuild your own website
Why You Can and Should Drag and Drop In Your Website

With the growth of CMS options, you can create your own website easier than ever before.   And we’d like to pride ourselves by saying our recent Drag and Drop editor additions have made it even easier to create your own responsive website. Do you even know what drag and drop means? Here’s a quick synopsis! We have added columns and rows to our editor to make it even easier to create a look and feel in our Twitter Bootstrap grid system for you to easily place your imagery and content.

10 years ago
Tags: CMSWebsite DesignSquareHookbuild your own websitetwitter bootstrapwebsite editor
Customizing Websites Is Easy With the SquareHook Website Builder!

Our clients over at Utah Pain Relief Institute had a fun challenge for us.   Their vision of what they wanted their site to look like was truly a test of what our tool can do! They wanted a certain look and feel that could be converted into a website that looked great on a mobile device. We added a sidebar drop down as their secondary navigation to the left, so the background images could be showed off, and make the user experience a little easier to navigate.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookplatelet rich plasmautah pain relief institutecreate your own websitebuild your own websitemobile friendlyPRP
Finding the Perfect Theme For YOUR WEBSITE

We’ve been doing a bit of website inventory as of late, and took notice how versatile our themes truly are! Here are 4 VERY DIFFERENT websites, all selling/promoting/advertising/showcasing something completely unique.   But they have one thing in common: they used the SAME THEME as their base! All of these sites had different motives, a different user experience, and a special look-all their own.   We certainly find ourselves bragging that any one of our themes could work for you.

10 years ago
Tags: build your own websitewe can build your site for yousquarehookCMSmobile websiteversatile templatescreat your sitecustomizedrag and dropresponsive design
Fun Summer Themed Website For a Funloving Shaved Ice Shack

We had a ton of fun putting together this delightful free website!  We hear the words, ‘shaved ice,’ and besides #mmmmmm #foodporn, we think color and summer.   We stumbled across Little Cow Shaved Ice on Groupon and noticed their website link wasn’t working. A SquareHook member contacted them to let them know it wasn’t working, and it just so turns out they had been hoping to create a new site, but didn’t have the time.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookwebsite promotionbuild your own websitemobile websiteCMSecommercefree websiteshaved icesno cones
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