I have a proposition for you… Go to any crowded place, a restaurant, coffee-shop, shopping mall or the public library. Now, I am not encouraging you to stare, but just glance at the people around you? What do you see them doing? They most likely don’t have a newspaper in their hand. I am willing to bet they have their faces directed at some sort of illuminated screen.
As a salesperson at a web design firm, I sometimes hear from people that I am talking to about creating a website that “we already have a Facebook page and that’s enough. ” Â When I hear this I usually go and look at these FB pages and many times find that they are very well managed, lots of likes, and have great information and pictures. Â These people have done a great job of creating an effective Facebook page and keeping it active, but is that really enough for your small business? Â The short answer is “no”.