Think Before You Act

We found this pretty sweet infographic from Pixaal.   We thought it was totally appropriate!  SquareHook constantly meets great customers who come to us in need of a new website or web redesign.   Their intentions are to quickly get a site up.

9 years ago
Tags: web designSquareHookCMSMobile WebsiteCreate your websiteTwitter BootstrapeCommerce websiteBusiness websitedo it yourself
Meet Our Latest Dodgeball Theme User- Baobing Shaved Ice!

We had a blast putting together the BaoBing Shaved Ice website!  Their logo was a such an inspiration to the look and feel of this site. For such a unique and tasty product-taiwanese shaved ice, we had to make sure their site reflected that uniqueness. Our Dodgeball Theme was a great start to present this site.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookweb designbaobing shaved icemobile websiteCMStwitter bootstrapcustome websitedo it yourself
Web Design Wednesday Website Spotlight-Audio-Grenade

Hey one and all!  At SquareHook we have been pretty busy as of late, getting our E-commerce up and rolled out, and building beautiful website for clients.   We started a website promotion back in the fall, and we have had some really great reception with it, and have decided to extend it!  With the promotion, we are building out client’s websites for FREE with a hosting subscription.   Clients can customize any one of our dozens of themes, integrate social media, make it completely mobile friendly, and organize their content simply and easily!  We’d like to spotlight one of our promotional websites every week, so you all can get a glance at what our awesome themes are capable of! Website Today: Audio Grenade Our client Chris, came to us hoping to get his vibration speakers out to the masses.

11 years ago
Tags: squarehookweb designresponsive designpick your templatewebsite promotionAudio-Grenade
Resolve To Give Yourself the Best Website You Can!

Believe it or not, the holidays are over.   Now, everyone has to get back into the swing of regular life once again.   With the new year here, everyone is making resolutions to improve their lives.

11 years ago
Tags: squarehookweb designweb simplificationfit marketing2014resolutions
5 Fatal Flaws of Your Website

Web design tips often focus on what you should do to create a great website, but what about the things you are doing wrong?  Keep reading to find out if your website is an offender in any of these areas: Your site doesnt not include a “call to action”.    When visitors come to your site they should do something.  Sign up for a newsletter, watch an informational video, submit a contact form so you can follow-up, give feedback about your product or services, and much more.

11 years ago
Tags: web designwebsite mistakesbetter websites
Resizing Website Images: A Picture is Worth a Kiloword

Your website says a lot about you.   In fact, to most of your current and future customers it is you.   And one way to make sure you stand out from your competition and improve your Google rankings is to use professional-looking photos to tell (and sell) your story.

11 years ago
Tags: resizing imagesweb designonline pics
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