We Cloned a Site, and Customized it to Fit the Client’s Needs!

We are so flattered when we have a repeat customer. It tells us that they are really happy with their site/our services, so they want to come back for more! And to those clients that keep coming back, we say Thank You! The owners of Life Bridge Kids came to us to build a site similar to their child psychiatric practice website, but this time have the new site catered to adults. Life Bridge told us that the SquareHook Editor was SUPER easy for them to edit and they wanted a site that looked just like their existing one, with some new information and customized graphics.

8 years ago
Tags: life bridge kidssquarehookLife Bridge Nevadarepeat customersCMSMobile websiteTwitter Bootstrapedit your own sitesmall business sitescustom sitesgraphic designcontent management systemsite duplication
We Made Graphics to Customize the Hallenburg Communications Website

A friend of ours came to us, wanting to create a website that truly showcased her talents.  Kari Hallenburg has over 30 years of professional writing, editing, and project management experience.  She wanted a site that would display her abilities, but wasn’t boring either.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookCMSHallenburg CommunicationsTwitter Bootstrapcustomized websitegraphic design workMobile Websitegraphic designshowcase your gallery
How do I create a logo for my business?

We regularly get new customers that ask us for assistance on creating a logo for their business.  We thought it would be interesting to share what we did when creating our logo for SquareHook.  This process is a process that we have used with numerous businesses to help them define what their logo should be.

10 years ago
Tags: logologo designbrandgraphic design
Fonts, from a professional Graphic Designer’s perspective.

Early on in my graphic design career, I was designing items for the static end.  I rarely had to consider fonts.   The only thing that mattered was having the font on the computer in front of me, and my worry would stop there.

11 years ago
Tags: designweb fontsCssgraphic designfont resourceswebsite design
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