A Custom Back End Made with Ease

We recently developed a back-end for Industrial Pipe and Welding using a combination of SquareHook’s Intranet tool, Knack, and good ole’ JavaScript, HTML, & CSS. Here’s a bit more about our work for them. What did they need? IPW went with us for their front end website and chose us to handle their back end as well.

9 years ago
Tags: intranetcustom intranetknackdatabaseback endfaster developmentsquarehook
Our Client Just Started Using Their Custom SquareHook Intranet

Our fantastic clients, Great Basin Industrial just launched their great new Intranet for their employees.  Great Basin has lots of important information (like insurance, 401K, payroll access, etc) that they wanted accessible to their entire staff, across several states.   How did they plan on making it available to all?  With their new Intranet, Great Basin Nation, that’s how!We worked with their team to create a completely custom intranet that featured many cool things-employee photo galleries, major employee documents and forms, videos to stream, blogs with the latest happenings at the company, and more.

10 years ago
Tags: squarehookintranetcustom intranetCMSemployee access
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