Sugar House Farmer’s Market is Now Local and On the Interwebs!

We love working with local clients, and we were even more thrilled to help out the Sugar House Farmer’s Market because one of the board members took our SquareHook Website Building course last spring. #yeahbradThey were fans of Gonzo’s Candy site we recently finished, so we hooked them up with the Clean Canvas theme as well. They had a new fun logo, and a great color palette to work with, so it was a breeze putting this site together.

8 years ago
Tags: sugarhousefarmersmarketsquarehookmobile websiteCMSTwitter BootstrapUtah Locallocal farmer's marketedit your sitesugarhousebuy local
We Did a Mini Facelift to the Pardner’s Plumbing site

We are so thrilled to be sharing a post of a recent website we finished for Pardner’s Plumbing. Brenda came to us, with a desire to update not only their site, but their logo. We work with one of the most talented graphic designers around, Ai, who was ready to help out.

8 years ago
Tags: squarehookmobile websiteedit your websiteaimittoncreativerebrandingCMSTwitter BootstrapPardner's Plumbingplumbing websiteUtah local
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