Drawing the line between a Website and a Web Application

Understanding the difference between websites and web applications is important for business owners who want a web presence.  Simply put a web application is a website with features that require additional programming and effort and would therefore take more time and money to create.   A website on the other hand is focused on just conveying business information.

11 years ago
Tags: web applicationonline presenceDIY website
SquareHook Ads Land at SLC Airport
If you are headed out, in, or through SLC via...

SquareHook Ads Land at SLC Airport If you are headed out, in, or through SLC via the International airport take a minute to look at the digital ads on the Directory kiosks.  Our ads are an 8 second animation running in a 2 minute loop.  Just turn your head while you are waiting in line for your Starbucks coffee and you’ll see it.

11 years ago
Tags: Airport AdvertisingSLC AirportMarketing SLC
Infinitely Scalable Graphics: Vector vs. Raster

In the world of digital design the words “vector” and “raster” are not uncommon. But how many of us know what they really mean? Using one or the other could make all the difference with file compatibility, clarity and accessibility. To state it simply, a vector image is based on points and is scalable to any size.

11 years ago
Tags: web graphicsvectorraster
What is a Domain?

A “Domain” can actually mean a lot of things in the technology world but we’ll keep it simple and related to websites.  Here’s the skinny - a domain is the name of your website.   They come in different flavors like: “com”, “info”, “net”, “org”, and even country ones like “us” which is the United States.

11 years ago
Tags: domain namesbuying domainsweb address
Amazon Web Services vs Microsoft Azure

We have had the opportunity to try each service independently and have enjoyed both.   While the platforms are in a similar competitive space, they are different in their offerings.    Amazon Web Services, also known simply as AWS, is considered an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).

11 years ago
Tags: aws vs azureweb servicesazureaws
Our First Salt Lake Meetup Was Awesome!

Thanks so much to all those who attended our first Meetup: Learn to Build Your Own Website!  We had a wonderful turnout of guests.   We broke bread (more like The Pie Pizza) and discussed tools to help build your online presence. A few topics we discussed included: Blogging options–Tumblr, (we ourselves use Tumblr) Wordpress, and Blogger A/B testing–Optimizely is a great choice Responsive Design–we’re fans of Twitter Bootstrap and Zurb Academy Billing options–Square, Stripe, Pay Pal Programming tools–Team Treehouse, Isotope, Code Academy There were a lot of great questions asked, and we were so pumped to answer them.

11 years ago
Tags: do it yourselfbuild your own sitemeetupsalt lake citysquarehookwebsitemobile website
Google and Bing and Yahoo Oh My!

In the 1950’s you probably would have been tossed into jail for Googling somebody, but in our modern tech world most of us are doing it daily.  Google is a household name and according to recent statistics, is responsible for over 66% of all web searches.  That’s a lot of searches when you consider nearly 8 billion searches are being made daily on the web!   Google has been the dominate search engine for years now and accordingly businesses and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) firms are always trying to crack the code of being #1 in relevant search results.

11 years ago
Tags: SEOSearch RankingsImproving Search Results
Resizing Website Images: A Picture is Worth a Kiloword

Your website says a lot about you.   In fact, to most of your current and future customers it is you.   And one way to make sure you stand out from your competition and improve your Google rankings is to use professional-looking photos to tell (and sell) your story.

11 years ago
Tags: resizing imagesweb designonline pics
Build Your Website Class

Hey Cyber World,   We are putting together our first class of MANY to come.   We want to help teach our neighbors and fellow businesses to build their own website.   We will be demonstrating how easy it is for you to put together a site, without having any HTML or CSS experience.

11 years ago
Tags: twitter bootstraphow to build a websitefreemobile website
What is Responsive Design?

People often ask us what Responsive design is.   Wikipedia tells us it is “…a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones). ” So what the heck does that mean and how does that impact my website and my customers?  Simply put, a website built with responsive design is a positive experience for those users viewing your website from any device including tablets and smart phones.

11 years ago
Tags: responsive designmobile websitetwitter bootstrap
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