Non Profits Need Great Mobile Friendly Websites Too!

We had the great pleasure of putting together this really fun website for a local non-profit called Niños de Carlos.  They started this non-profit in hopes to improve conditions for children in Honduras, by paying for better education.


Owner, Bonnie had a graphic designer student put together the look and feel for site for a college project some time ago .  Bonnie wanted the designs translated into web format when she came to us.


On this website, she wanted to share stories about the children Niños de Carlos has helped.  We used our portfolio to create an interactive experience for site users on their Niños Page.



Portfolio ON THE SITE


The Take Action page was dedicated for donations and getting people involved in helping with the cause to improve education.  We added a PayPal donate button so people can donate any amount they choose, as well as a link to their store.


We added a store page for people to by a Niños de Carlos t-shirt.  The shirt equals about the cost of a month of private education for a child in Honduras.  They added sever options for style of shirt and size.  It turned out sharp.


And as always, the drop down on a smartphone looks fantastic!  Big font, easy reading and navigation for site visitors.  Which, is our goal-everytime!  We hope Bonnie and Niños de Carlos love their site as much as we do!  It turned out so fun. :)


If you, or someone you know is looking for a site change. Whatever the business: legal, medical, non-profit, salon, crafty, store-we build any site!  And YOU can too!  Start building your own site today!  If you would like to learn more about our tool, we are more than happy to help you learn how to build you own site with a one on one, or we can do it for you!  Just contact us or give us a call at 801-386-9828.

Tags:  squarehook mobilewebsite niños de carlos non profit website

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