Getting Your Business Out There, on Google Places Local!

We hosted a wonderful Meetup last night featuring Mark Herre, founder and operator of SEOGame.   Mark has over 17 years of SEO experience, and believes in looking for business success in ‘all the right places.'  And and currently, the right places is Google Places.

He provided lots of incredible knowledge on how to create a DIY campaign for any local business.

He recommended 3 tips:

  1. Google Claim your Google Places Local Listing if you haven’t yet.
  2. Edit your listing by adding pictures, videos, advanced features, and commenting on reviews
  3. Acquire good reviews from current/previous clients

Mark also gave us some great Salt Lake City Citation Links to help get your business NAP (Name, Address, Phone, Website) listed.  He suggests any business should visit Get Listed to add your NAP to any and all search engines (KSL, YouTube, FB, Craigslist, Yelp, Yellow Pages, etc)

For SEOGames’ full notes on our Google Places Local Meetup, click HERE

SquareHook is off, taking his advice!

Tags:  get listed Google Places Local seogame improve seo squarehook websites

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