Recovering An Old Gem

When our client Italian Family Tree reached out to us recently, they were hoping for a mini miracle. They had take a step back from their business. They hadn’t used their site in several years, and their site had lapsed.  


We were able to recover their old site off Way Back Machine, which to them was such a surprise. WBM is such a fabulous tool to help people get old information back from long ago. They couldn’t remember what was on their site, lost all their old files on an old computer, so they thought they had to start completely over .We can’t always find old sites in full, but when we do, it is such a help. We lucked out, grabbing some content from their old site. 


We built their tool with one of our great templates, and adjusted it with new imagery, that was relevant to their business. We walked them through editing their site, so they can adjust their site at their leisure. 


They were so thrilled that their new site was mobile friendly, and not in Times New Roman. :) We’re glad we could help!

Tags:  italian family tree geneology website mobile website geneology italian geneology CMS your website made easy squarehook

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