Let Us Show What An Updated Website Looks Like!
Quite some time ago, we threw together a VERY basic website per a customer’s request. BOH wanted to get out of their existing website commitment, so they said to use the same images they had on their old website and just get it live asap, and then they will upgrade it in a couple months. So we did it!
Here is initial basic site conversion:
Once we got the basic site up and running, they came to our design team, explaining that they wanted their site to have a wow factor! So our creative director put together a fantastic mockup, and even flew out to South Dakota to get some awesome on-the-job imagery. Bar Over Hat wanted people to know EXACTLY what they do, and why they are leaders in their field. And we delivered!
Here is their new website:
Probably one of the best features about this website, is the live video reel on the home page. We were able to capture some great footage, and add it into the banner (Yes people, this will soon become a feature on the SquareHook tool-adding video into banners!)
Our design team not only captured beautiful photos that accentuated some the BOH team extracting and hauling and disposing of oilfield water extraction, but we created interesting infographics that narrated their story and other bits about their company.
Bar Over Hat was pleased with the images, and all the customization that was included in their site redesign. Site visitors create a stronger connection with the company when images aren’t just stock photos. Have you ever seen a stock photo used on more than one website? We certainly have. Don’t get us wrong, stock photos are great, but if you can do a photoshoot, you shouldn’t have to worry about seeing your images elsewhere. When a client can put a face to a name, it’s really nice to know who is working with you. On the Employment page all the images are actual, current employees. We just love that!
Although our initial site conversion provided everything a site visitor needs, (information on the company, several ways to contact BOH team, etc) BOH wanted their site to be more attractive and interesting looking. Not only that, but they wanted some content writing done to illustrate their company’s value. We think it was a very successful redesign!
If you like your site, but you want to LOVE it, contact us! We love to transform and upgrade a site to reflect your business’ quality.