Breaking News: Website Theme Yoko CAN DO ANYTHING!


The more we spotlight some of our websites, the more we are like, ‘daaaaaaang!’ Our Yoko theme is way popular amongst our SquareHook team and our clients.  We’ve used it for painters, landscapers, snocone huts, exercise equipment company, and more!


YOKO’s simplicity makes it really easy to adjust and style to suit your needs.  After showing web samples and discussing the look and feel for Las Vegas business RoadHouse Seats, it was pretty clear that YOKO would be a great contender. 

Because their seats are made in America, RHS definitely wanted a look that gave that vibe.  They provided a distressed flag image that they wanted to use as their background image.  Because our tool is so easy to manage, they could easily down the road (road?!?, get it-Road House Seats!) switch it out for a different image or go with a solid background color.

They also wanted to have their logo smack dab in the middle, with a centered navigation-blam, easy change.

On their previous site, they had a small store with biking accessories.  We created a shop for them with our great eCommerce feature.


Another Yoko themed success! 

After completing their promotional site, we provided hands on training so their team could feel confident editing their own website.  So they are off running, or biking in this case. :)

If you’re thinking about putting together a sit of your own, check out our other fantastic themes here, to assist your decision on your site’s look and feel.  And contact us if you have questions about the tool or our free website promotion!

Tags:  squarehook roadhouse seats motorcycle seats mobile friendly website promotion

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